< Selected publications with summaries >
• Mun, H., Mun, S., & Kim, H. J.* (2024). Social capital and stock price crash risk: Evidence from U.S. terrorist attacks. Corporate Governance: An International Review (SSCI), 32(1), 33-62.
- Social capital during post-terrorism periods significantly restrains managers’ bad news hoarding, and this effect is varied by the firm’s internal governance characteristics.
• Kim, H. J., & Han, S. H.* (2022). Supermajority provisions and shareholders wealth: Evidence from South Korea's natural experiment. Corporate Governance: An International Review (SSCI), 30(3), 311-334.
- Supermajority provision is the most widely used anti-takeover provision in Korea, and the events that potentially weaken the anti-takeover force of supermajority provision bring negative market reactions for supermajority-adopted firms.
• Mun, S., & Kim, H. J.* (2021). CEO educational background and external financing choices: Evidence from Korea. Asian Review of Financial Research (재무연구; KCI), 34(4), 79-124.
- CEOs who majored in science or engineering as undergraduates in Korea are less likely to issue equity compared to CEOs who majored in business.
• Kim, H. J., & Han, S. H.* (2019). Convertible bond announcement returns, capital expenditures, and investment opportunities: Evidence from Korea. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (SSCI), 53, 331-348.
- Convertible bond issue announcements are favored on average in Korea, in contrast to prior studies on other countries.
< Awards >
• 2024.06 - 한국항공대학교 우수강의상
• 2023.11 - 한국재무학회 2023 추계학술대회 우수논문상