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2020-Spring The Additional Payment of Tuition (Enrollment)

등록일 2020-03-03 작성자 관리자 조회 1889

2020-Spring The Additional Payment of Tuition (Enrollment)



Regarding 2020-Spring additional payment of tuition for undergraduate and graduate students, the person who is to be paid should check the information and pay (register) the tuition.



1. Who is to be paid : Students enrolled in this semester (including those who return to school and those who re-entered the school)


※ All students who are scheduled to take a leave of absence (including those who are taking a leave of absence) cannot pay their tuition fees.

※ Tuition fees for students on leave are refunded or collected according to school regulations.

※ In case of a refund of tuition fee, it is returned in the way you paid.


2. Payment Period


Payment Period

Additional Payment of Tuition Fee

2020. Mar. 16.(MON) ~ Mar. 18.(WED) [3 days]




2nd Application on Installment (Payment will be divided into three parts.)


2020. Mar. 23.(MON) 1:00 PM ~ Mar. 24.(TUE) [2 days]



2020. MAR. 25(WED) ~ MAR. 26(THU)


2020. APR. 16(THU) ~ APR. 20(MON)


2020. MAY. 13(WED) ~ MAY. 15(FRI)



3. Payment time and method



Payment time and method

Korean local banks

Shinhan Bank

KB Kookmin Bank

Nonghyeop Bank

A. Payment Time

- 9:00 ~ 21:00 (The last day ends at 17:00.)

- If you want to visit the bank to pay, you should go to the bank in their business hours. (Usually 9:00~16:00)

B. Payment Method

- Deposit to individual virtual accounts on the tuition invoice

- Visit and pay at the bank

Pay by Credit Card

Hyundai Card

A. Payment time : 09:00 ~ 21:00 (The last day ends at 17:00.)

B. Payment Method

- Visit the web site of Hyundai Card → My Account → 생활요금 납부서비스 수시납부 대학/대학원 등록금 납부 안내등록금 납부

연구등록생의 경우동국대학원(연구등록)’ 으로 대학 선택 후 결재진행

※ If the amount of the scholarship you received changes after printing tuition invoice, the amount of the tuition on the invoice changes. In that case, please re-print the tuition invoice. 



4. How to get your invoice on tuition fee

A. Issuing period : After 2020. Feb. 13.(THU) 1:00 PM

B. Issuing Method

(1) Printing on uDRIMS(유드림스)

▶ Log-in uDRIMS → 학사정보/대학원학사등록고지서출력

▶ Install uDRIMS(유드림스)  http://udrims.dongguk.edu


5. Checking payment result


▶Log-in uDRIMS → 학사정보/대학원학사등록수납관리등록 확인서 출력



6. Cautions

A. Please note that you cannot cancel the tuition after you have paid it.

B. All students who are scheduled to take a leave of absence (including those who are scheduled to freezing semester) cannot pay their tuition fees.

※ Tuition fees for students on leave are refunded or collected according to school regulations.



7. Inquiries

A. Dongguk MBA Office : Call 02-2260-8882

B. Dongguk Finance Team : Call 02-2260-3087