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2023-Fall Tuition Installment Payment

등록일 2023-08-04 작성자 학과 관리자 조회 827

2023-Fall Tuition Installment Payment



2023-Fall Tuition Installment Payment Schedule:




Payment period

Tuition amount

Type A


1st Application

2nd Application

1st Pay


Aug. 22(Tue)~

Aug. 24 (Thur)

25% of tuition


2nd Pay

1st Pay

Sep. 19(Tue)~

Sep. 21(Thur)

25% of tuition

50% of tuition

3rd Pay

2nd Pay

Oct. 18 (Wed) ~

Oct. 20(Fri)

25% of tuition

25% of tuition

4th Pay

3rd Pay

Nov. 13 (Mon) ~ Nov. 15(Wed)

25% of tuition

25% of tuition


  You can't pay during the weekend and national holiday.



1. Application Period


- 1st Application (4 installments):  Aug. 11 (Fri) ~Aug. 15 (Tue) (5 days, application available on weekends)

- 2nd Application (3 installments): Sep. 14 (Thur) ~ Sep. 17 (Sun) (4 days, application available on weekends)

 No additional application can be made after the application period.

 Students who passed the fourth semester can apply only during the 2nd application period.


2. Application Method 


 (1) How to apply  : on Udrims or Mdrims


(Login -> 대학원학사 -> 등록 -> 등록대상자선정

-> 분할납부신청(If 1st application) or 분할납부B신청(If 2nd application) 

-> Uncheck 학생회비 &동창회비 (If you are foreigner) -> Check all the 유의사항(Cautions)

-> 신청


(2) How to print out invoice

- 1st Application : 분할납부 신청(고지서출력) -> 분납차수 선택 (Click 1st/2nd/3rd/4rd pay) -> 고지서인쇄(Print out your invoice)

- 2nd Application : 분할납부신청(고지서출력) -> 분납차수 선택 (Click 1st/2nd/3rd/4rd pay) -> 고지서인쇄(Print out your invoice)



(3) How to cancel installment payment


A. Within the application period : Call the Financial department (02-2260-3087)

B. After the application period : Automatically cancelled if not paid during the first payment period



3. Those who can't apply for installment payment

: Freshmen, Re-admission, Those who are going to pay by credit card, a delinquent in installments



4. Cautions


- If the installment is not made during the first payment period after applying for the installment payment, the installment payment will be automatically cancelled.

- Students who are doing installment payment are not allowed to pay by credit card or use student loans.

- In case of failure to fully pay the tuition by the deadline for payment of the final installment payment, the student will be expelled due to non-registration according to the school regulations.

- If you overdue the pay of installment continually, the eligibility for future installment payment will be limited.

- If a student who is on a installment payment leaves school, tuition will be refunded by regulation.

 If the amount paid is insufficient, You can apply for a leave of absence only after you pay the shortfall.