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2023-Fall Tuition Payment

등록일 2023-08-04 작성자 관리자 조회 774

2023-Fall Tuition Payment



1. Target: Existing MBA Students (enrolled for 2023-Spring Semester)




2. Payment Period: August 22, 2023 (Tue.) ~ August 28, 2023 (Mon.) [excluding weekends, 5 days)



3. Issuance of a tuition invoice: From August 10, 2023 (Thur.) (Please do not issue the invoice before August 10, 2023)


   A. Issuing Process





     uDRIMS/mDRIMS Login → 학사정보/대학원학사 → 등록 → 고지서출력



     2) Mobile application

      Login → 학사정보/대학원학사 → 등록/장학 → 고지서조회



4. Payment Time



     09:00 ~16:00 (within the bank's business hours)



5. Method of Payment



   Pay to the account number set forth in the invoice within the bank's business hours

   Visit the bank



If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.

- Email: mba@dongguk.edu

- Phone: +82-2-2260-8884